Bat In Your Attic? What To Do
If you hear bats coming and going all throughout the night in your home, there's a chance that they somehow got into your home. If they are confined to your attic, that's not too bad, but you still don't want them there. Bats serve a purpose, but they can also carry diseases such as rabies and they can spread bacteria because they may leave quite a bit of droppings behind in their wake. If you suspect you have bats in your attic, read on for some things you may be able to do about them.
Look For Their Entry Point
You'll have to do some research on your own to see if you can figure out where the bats are getting into your home. If they are coming in through one main part of your home, or if you have several entrances they are using. You need to find the entrance so you can seal it off to help prevent them from returning. This can be tricky though, because you have to be sure they are out of your home. This is something that typically happens at dusk, they wake from their slumber and venture out looking for food. You should see them leaving your home, but it can be difficult to pinpoint where they are coming out of. This may take a day or two to figure out.
Seal Their Entry Point
Once you have the entry point figured out, you have to seal the entrance point. Use chicken wire if you have to if it's around a chimney, or replace siding, fill in holes and gaps as necessary, but you have to seal the entrance to prevent them from returning and making their way back inside. If they have babies, they may do whatever they can to get back into your home. Seal it as best as you can.
Hire A Pest Control Specialist
You need to hire a pest control specialist to help you get control of this issue. If the bats are returning to their young, they are going to need to be removed by a professional. You should never attempt to handle these pests on your own. The babies and the adult bats should be removed together, and a professional has the skills and know-how to get this done.
If you have an issue with bats in your attic, or elsewhere around your home, hire a professional that specializes in bat removal to get rid of them.
Contact a local bat removal company to learn more.